OUR VISION STATEMENT: To be the strong word-based trans-denominational Christian Organization where Covenant Relationships are built, Peoples’ potentials are cultivated, Gospel needs for spirit, body and soul are met and destinies fulfilled under the watchful eyes of our Sovereign LORD and Savior.
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Through relationship connectedness, gospel networking/partnership with domestic and international like minds to midwife Christ’s Great Commission, Christian Businesses and International Mission Involvement, so that our members and those we impact are sufficiently prepared for the full-orbed life here and hereafter in Christ Jesus.
CODE OF ETHICS: To pursue our Vision and Mission with biblical integrity, high standard of excellence, a culture of service, an attitude of gratitude and total dependence on our God who values extremely the diversity of human lives, cultures and callings.
FOREWORD By Bishop Dr. Bede Obiekwe, Presiding Bishop and President of Christ harvest time Fellowship International:
Jehovah, our great God said in Psalm 78:1-3, “Give ear, O my people, to my Law: incline your ears to the Words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old, which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us”. (ASV). “CHTFI Vision, Mission and Code of Ethics” is for all God’s people, especially, bona-fide members of Christ Harvest Time Fellowship International. It is compulsory for all our officers and members to read, ponder, pulsate and personalize the various themes, modes and instructions prescribed in it. Some of the teachings appear to be dark sayings, truly. This is because Christianity today has come to a cross road where integrity and uprightness are thrown into the dustbins of unrighteous cum riotous living and those who ought to be Learners are turned into Teachers overnight and those who should be seeking deliverance from their common sins and grave clothes are turned into deliverance ministers overnight, manipulating and milking our gullible folks. Here is a generation where all comers go and all things pass for doctrine in the Church. The corruption in the macro society seems to have taking firm grip on the micro-organisms of Christian fabrics and functions in the world. This is despite such Christian Authors as Rev. Dr. Danny McCain (see his book, “Tough Tests for Top Leaders”, 2005) and others, who aptly wielded the sledge hammer of Gospel Torah to redress the excesses of Christianity in our society, yet some people seem to be baptized into irredeemable errors and have become untrainable and impenitent. This is a shame and we must stop them in Jesus name. Amen. The foregone gave impetus to the insistence of Christ Harvest Time Fellowship International (CHTFI) that all her members without an exception live within the boundaries of her Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Code of Ethics. It is, therefore, my categorical persuasion and unfettered presentation that all our members/leaders imbibe the teachings of this text and make them their operating manuals, daily (see our book, "CHTFI Vision, Mission and Code of Ethics", 2012).
Signed Bishop Dr. Bede Obiekwe, Presiding Bishop Christ Harvest Time Fellowship International (CHTFI)
“Life is our value; Teamwork our method; Action our mandate; Love our language; and Faith our currency”. CHTFI has a Culture of service, which standard is excellence and an attitude of gratitude, always. CHTFI is a global missionary outfit predicated on the following fundamental values:
1. The Love of God. John 3:16-17; John 15:13; 1John 4: 19-21. We teach our members primarily to appreciate God’s love for mankind and replicate that kind of love in their relationship with God and man.
2. The Love of Man. Matt.22:37-40; HEBs 13:2-3. CHTFI teaches that the greatest virtue of Christianity is love and the acid test of that love is what we do to our fellow men.
3. Integrity. Prov.11:3; 19:1; 20:7. CHTFI integrity is indomitable adherence to core values of Christianity, in principles and practices.
4. Empowerment. HEBs 10:24-25; Matt 25:34-40. CHTFI exists solely to empower the Body of Christ so that she can sufficiently discharge her duties locally and internationally.
5. Innovation. Luke 5:36 – 39; James 4: 13-17. CHTFI as a dynamic Organization teaches her members to be creative, innovative and enterprising. We have no foreclosures so long as biblical principles and procedures are not negated, infringed or compromised.
6. Servant-hood. John 13:1-17; Phil.2:3-8. In CHTFI, Ministry has its full meaning as Diakonia, Diakonos and Apostolae to the Laikos and the world in the Spirit of Christ.
7. Teamwork. John 1:1-3; 17: 20-23. CHTFI departments and personnel are inter-related and inter-dependent. We teach it and we practice it; no one is irrelevant and none is indispensable in CHTFI!
8. Trust. Psalm 37: 3-6; HEBs 13:1. We teach our members to trust God as the fulcrum for all positive brotherly and sisterly relationships.
9. Mission Commitment. John 20:21; Eph.4:10-14; 2Tim 4:5-8. We believe Action is our mandate. We teach practical commitment to the Great Commission without an exception.
10. Continuous Improvement. Eccl.12:12; John 15: 1-2; Phil 3: 7-10. Here in CHTFI, there is no complacency. We celebrate achievements but we long for more extra-ordinary HARVESTS (Dan 11:32). This is our Driver, our Motivation and the secret of our long, eventful and useful living.
• Developing a Christian brotherhood with an organized community of Christian services and or practices; empowering leadership staff that is totally committed to developing a great vision within the “Order of God” for the purpose of Ministering and Serving God’s people, globally.
• Fashioning the Ministry of God that is holistically committed to promoting the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ via a teamwork that makes effectiveness in soul winning a more fruitful effort, fulfilling and glorifying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
• To supply an available platform for all people of our Faith to minister to God and His people in their preparations to reach the world with the message of Jesus Christ.
• To take the impacts of the Church outside Church buildings and Fellowship halls into lives and actions of our members as they serve their respective communities in holiness, righteousness and selflessness.
• To establish and develop ministry partnerships, covenant relationships and spiritual leadership that glorify God and His Christ in their daily lives and services.
• To become the birthing ground where potentials are cultivated, destinies are fulfilled, recruitment, equipment and supporting or adopting of ministry staff for church planting and multiplication are realized.
• To bring likeminded Churches, Ministries, Fellowships and Ministers into Covenant Relationship and Fellowship for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission and providing/promoting local and international mission involvement.
• To operate or adopt Christian Business Centers, Schools, Firms, Clinics/Hospitals, Orphanages, etc. so as to communicate the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ more effectively via the social gospel media.
“Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before Kings; he shall not stand before mean men”. Prov.22:29 KJV CHTFI prides herself on strong Christian work ethics with the ability to provide interpersonal skills as well as delivering multi-culturally. We understand the importance of giving outstanding public service, focusing on satisfaction to people through spiritual applications. We also provide domestic and international liaison activities along with organizational change development procedures, possess extensive expertise in Christian partnership and business development through organization and community service activities in developing preparations within prospective communities; using both oral and written means of communication, meetings and other group activities such as Festivals, Workshops, Seminars, Concerts, School Events, Senior Events, Hospitals, Churches, Businesses, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Governmental Institutions; conduct and maintain professional Christian Business Integrity with diverse multi-cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, CHTFI coordinates, formulates, review and executes regional assessments within organizational development; evaluates and recommends administrative management program objectives, human resource executive administration, change management, valued management and facilitate international concepts; provide guidance regarding procedures within prospective service agreements with Christian values and practices; review documentation to identify patterns of violations; prepare activity reports including research data and memorandum of all received information; responsible for collecting and protecting all information received, all collateral duties with leadership focus, supervisory duties and field operations. Finally, CHTFI implement policies, procedures and operational instructions, in coordination with local agencies; manage multiple assignments, setting deadlines, overseeing work of various multicultural backgrounds, while still remaining flexible and efficient under challenging situations without compromising our biblical integrity or code of ethics.
CHTFI believes; Mistake always precedes the discovery of truth and Diversity is the raw and powerful connection from which the power of God is forged. Integrity and ethics exist in the individual or they do not exist; they must be upheld by individuals or they are not upheld. We reject excuses of neutrality or defensive mechanisms, arm chair criticism or pretentious seating on the fence when duties and decisions are necessary. In order that integrity and ethics are characteristics of CHTFI, our core Leadership must strive to be: o Honest and trustworthy in all our relationships; o Reliable in carrying out tasks and responsibilities; o Truthful and accurate in what we say and do; o Cooperative and constructive in all tasks and undertakings; o Fair and considerate in our treatment of all members of Faith; o Law abiding in all our activities; o Economical in utilizing all our resources; o Dedicated in service to the improvement of the quality of life of the world in which we live; Furthermore, CHTFI believes that Integrity and High Standard of Ethics required hard work, courage and difficult choice, whilst conceding that consultation among individual stakeholders is sometimes necessary to determine a proper course of action. Finally, CHTFI believes and teaches that Integrity and Ethics may sometimes require us to forgo some opportunities so that in the long run, we are better served by doing what is right rather than what is expedient.